Sherrel Johnson

Apr 3, 20232 min

Why does my kid process information slowly?

Updated: Aug 11, 2023


Despite meeting the required 70% on the initial English assessment test and getting experienced help, why are Mathew’s responses delayed? Vocabulary words we believed a typical 12th grader should know, he just could not recall. Content we reviewed 7days prior, he was also unable to remember and almost always needed to be given a recap. His inability to remember English concepts and vocabulary words for his age and grade level made us curious. Was a slow processing brain speed the result of something the practitioner had done or was it as a result of a deeper issue?

After quite a bit of research we discovered that slow processing “often co-occurs with ADHD, dyslexia, and anxiety. What is more, the problem worsens if students like Mathew are told to “hurry up”. This in actuality “can add to their anxiety and make them take longer to complete a task.” So patience can really go a long way with students who suffer from this issue.

There are still other serious biological considerations worth considering though. Research shows that when there is a problem in the Broca area of the brain, students often feel that they know what they wish to say but are unable to produce the words. It is in the left interior frontal gyrus of the frontal lobe and it is solely responsible for producing written or spoken language. Figure 1: is a simple diagram of the brain.

Figure 2: is a more detailed diagram of how language processing occurs.

frontal lobe

In a nutshell, some researchers believe the space between the synapses vary, and determines the speed of which someone is unable to process information. Another theory for why some kids may process information slower than others is “Some parts of neurons are coated in a fatty substance called myelin. This coating—called a myelin sheath—helps neurons send messages quickly.” It is believed that a thin myelin shealth contributes to a slower brain processing in students. (

The Dana foundation in figure 3 illustrates a third reason why some students may experience a slower processing brain. Apparently, the brain has neurotransmitters which act as messengers and carries information from one part of the brain to the next. A smaller amount of them would mean the movement of information is slow.

learning process

All in all, the way the brain processes information depends on what is actually going on in the student's brain. Our analysis reveal that some students may need to have an evaluation done by a professional to rule out what maybe the issues.

Of course in my line work few parents to the detriment of their children have taken the time to get their children evaluated by a medical practitioner due to cost or lack of real concern for the way their kids are developing. In some cases parents have the information but chose to withhold the information out of shame and guilt. Whatever the motivation, the child suffers and this is so sad! Children deserve to have advocates who truly want them to succeed.
