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Investasikan dengan Cerdas memberikan tinjauan dasar keterampilan bahasa   melalui latihan sederhana. Kami memiliki 18 tahun dalam bisnis ini dan ingin mendukung Anda sebagai mahasiswa, guru, atau pemilik bisnis. email kami dan beri tahu kami bagaimana kami dapat memenuhi kebutuhan akademik Anda.

Muhammed Ali

Biography of Muhammad's life

The Urban Renewal Essay Sample

five paragraph essay which discusses the Urban Renewal program in the Bahamas.

Malala Yousafzai

Excerpt from the speech and review questions. 

Granny Isaacs Versus Death poem

two stanza poem.  With figurative language questions. 

Why teens join gangs? 

Essay Sample 1

The Snake 

two stanza poem with connotation and denotation questions.

Why teens join gangs? 

Jelaskan mengapa remaja bergabung dengan geng

 Remaja bergabung dengan geng untuk rasa koneksi atau untuk mendefinisikan rasa baru tentang siapa mereka. Yang lain dimotivasi oleh tekanan teman sebaya, kebutuhan untuk melindungi diri mereka sendiri dan keluarga mereka, karena seorang anggota keluarga juga tergabung dalam geng, atau untuk mencari uang.


Mereka bergabung dengan geng dengan melakukan kejahatan atau menjalani prosedur inisiasi di mana mereka dipukuli oleh sesama anggota geng untuk menguji keberanian dan kemampuan bertarung mereka. Remaja, yang tidak memiliki bimbingan dan dukungan orang tua, atau kesempatan untuk terlibat secara positif dengan teman sebayanya, sering kali beralih ke geng untuk memenuhi kebutuhan cinta dari teman sebaya atau keluarga atau teman.

Para remaja ini dapat mengembangkan ikatan yang kuat dengan anggota lain dan merasa perlu untuk melindungi mereka. Banyak anggota geng bergabung karena anggota keluarga pernah atau pernah menjadi bandit geng. Terkadang anak-anak merasa bangga dalam menjalankan warisan keluarga. Hal ini terutama benar jika salah satu atau kedua orang tua mereka memiliki pangkat tinggi dalam geng atau jika salah satu kerabat mereka dibunuh oleh geng saingan. Melindungi reputasi melalui balas dendam adalah cara hidup anggota geng.

Ironisnya, ketika banyak anak mencari "keluarga", apa yang dapat Anda harapkan dari geng adalah detasemen. Para remaja ini merasa bahwa mereka tidak cocok dan tidak memiliki tempat di dunia. Geng memanfaatkan ketidakamanan ini dengan menjanjikan remaja itu sebuah keluarga yang akan selamanya merawat mereka. Beberapa remaja menyukai sensasi melakukan sesuatu untuk melihat apakah mereka bisa bertahan dengannya. Ini bisa termasuk terlibat dalam kegiatan ilegal. Beberapa remaja mungkin menikmati "tinggi" atau "terburu-buru" yang mereka dapatkan dari melanggar hukum dan menentang otoritas.

Mereka bergabung dengan geng karena masalah yang terjadi antara ibu dan ayah. Jika seorang remaja berasal dari keluarga yang kurang mampu atau bahkan jika dia berasal dari keluarga yang sangat kaya, penjualan narkoba di geng dapat menghasilkan uang tunai dengan cepat. Masih akan ada alasan untuk peningkatan jumlah remaja di geng karena berbagai situasi. Faktor kegembiraan dapat dipertimbangkan. Remaja mungkin merasakan sensasi dalam tindakan pemberontakan yang dilakukan geng.

Mereka mungkin merasa seolah-olah hidup dalam film atau dunia fantasi padahal itu adalah kenyataan. Sementara memiliki atau mengklaim warna tertentu yang tidak disukai musuh mereka, hal itu dapat memicu minat di mata anak muda. Terburu-buru dalam geng kejahatan melakukan atau hanya seluruh gaya hidup pada umumnya dapat menangkap pikiran beberapa remaja. Ada beberapa film yang menggambarkan “anak-anak keren” sebagai remaja pemberontak. The "ingin menjadi keren" dapat menyebabkan banyak situasi yang mengganggu termasuk bergabung dengan geng.

2.Malala Yousafzai speech

They think that God is a tiny, little conservative being who would point guns at people's heads just for going to school. These terrorists are misusing the name of Islam for their own personal benefit. Pakistan is a peace loving, democratic country. Pashtuns want education for their daughters and sons. Islam is a religion of peace, humanity and brotherhood. It is the duty and responsibility to get education for each child, that is what it says. Peace is a necessity for education. In many parts of the world, especially Pakistan and Afghanistan, terrorism, war and conflicts stop children from going to schools. We are really tired of these wars. Women and children are suffering in many ways in many parts of the world.

                                         Assignment:  Practice Activity 2

Identify the Denotative & Connotative Meaning of words below.

Decide if each word is  Positive or Negative or Neutral.  

1. conservative


2. guns



3. Islam



4. peace



5. brotherhood

Muhammed Ali

At the age of 12, Ali discovered his talent for boxing through an odd twist of fate. His bike was stolen, and Ali told a police officer, Joe Martin, that he wanted to beat up the thief. "Well, you better learn how to fight before you start challenging people," Martin reportedly told him at the time. In addition to being a police officer, Martin also trained young boxers at a local gym.

Ali started working with Martin to learn how to box, and soon began his boxing career. In his first amateur bout in 1954, he won the fight by split decision. Ali went on to win the 1956 Golden Gloves tournament for novices in the light heavyweight class. Three years later, he won the National Golden Gloves Tournament of Champions, as well as the Amateur Athletic Union's national title for the light-heavyweight division.

After his Olympic victory, Ali was heralded as an American hero. He soon turned professional with the backing of the Louisville Sponsoring Group. During the 1960s Ali seemed unstoppable, winning all of his bouts with majority of them being by knockouts. He took out British heavyweight champion Henry Cooper in 1963 and then knocked out Sonny Liston in 1964 to become the heavyweight champion of the world.  Woah! No one had seen a champion like Ali before! 

Often referring to himself as "the greatest," Ali was not afraid to sing his own praises. He was known for boasting about his skills before a fight and for his colorful descriptions and phrases. In one of his more famously quoted descriptions, Ali told reporters that he could "float like a butterfly, sting like a bee" in the boxing ring.

Assignment  1


Instructions:  Identify three examples of the following:  noun, pronoun, verb, preposition (par 2), interjection (para 3)  and coordinating conjunction (par 3) and adjective. Obtain your answer from the passage above. [12pts]


                                                            Connotation and Denotation 

Denotation:  refers to the dictionary definition of a word

Example:  sun in the dictionary is defined as a star which the earth orbits.


Connotation:  refers to the feeling associated with a word. The deeper implication suggested by words. 


Example:  The word sun can have a positive connotation when we think of the benefits of the sun.  For example, the sun gives us light and warmth.  It helps things to grow. It is a symbol of life.    


The Snake by (Sharon age 14)

Instructions:  Read the poem below for enrichment. 


The Snake was approaching,       

Its long slimy body uncoiling,     

Its tongue sticking out

Like an arrow ready to strike.     


Assignment:  Practice Activity 

Directions: Give the Denotative Meaning and Connotative Meaning of the words below. Use (P or N or Neutral) Positive or Negative or Neutral

Example: A snake is a creature that slithers on the floor

                Snake=Negative (N)

1. slimy

Slimy refers to a slippery type of texture, typically found on snails and slugs  


2. arrow



3. tongue



4. strike


Directions:  Read the poem below.           


Title: Granny Isaacs Versus Death poem

Grammy Isaacs, from the time she came,

Fought death like a tiger,

She looked ready to go from day one:

Frail as a stick in the sun,

Tissue paper for her skin,

Old, toothless mouth caved in,

Hair lank and loose and ivory.

So thin, bones showed:

The next thing would be skeleton

But she battled for life

And would not give in.

She hurried to take her food,

Sat up when and where she could,

Was eager to keep presentable,

And tried conversing quite a bit.

She would not just go.

Assignment 1 

Directions: Use  F or L for each expression below.  Then name the figurative expression used.[1]  Finally,  explain each figurative expression. [2pts]

  1. Tissue paper was her skin



2. Frail as a stick in the sun,




3. Fought death like a tiger,





Directions:  Write two figurative expression based on the paragraph taken from the Malala Yousafzai’s passage.


1. Simile: 

2. Personification




4. Hyperbole

Figurative &  Language

The role of the  Urban Renewal Program?

Introduction  paragraph

Because crime is on the rise in The Bahamas, there is a heavier police presence in strategic parts of the Bahamas.  For instance, police officer can be seen on foot patrols in many areas like Bain Town, Foxhill, Chippingham and Nassau Village. The presence of the police in these communities is one method the Urban Renewal program is using to discourage criminal activity.  Another benefit of having officers engage in walkabouts throughout the community is it gives many of the residents an opportunity to get to know the officers and vice versa. This exchange helps to establish a bond between the police and the community.  Without a doubt, people living in these areas can feel safer and a higher degree of confidence in the police. 

Body Paragraph 2

Sadly, there are many unfortunate people in this world.  Some are so unfortunate that they are unable to feed themselves.  Although, they are tangled in a web of poverty, the Urban Renewal program attempts to provide for such people.  This organization welcomes them with open arms.  However, if this organization is going to continue to provide for the less fortunate, they need support from corporate citizens.  Perhaps, they can host community concerts whereby students in the program perform skits, sing songs and do dances at a cost.  The money that is raised could go to helping the needy and help to expand the services offered by Urban Renewal. 

Body Paragraph 3

Not only does the Urban Renewal program benefit the poor, but it strives to influence our youth.  Our youth are an important part of any society because they represent our future. How does the program benefit our young people?  Firstly, they host clubs like the ladies club which is designed to teach our girls how to be prim and proper.  For our guys, they discipline them so that they learn to control themselves and be respectable men.  They learn various drilling techniques as a Defense force or prison officer would.  This kind of training is very important because children lack discipline and home training today.  By teaching inner city kids, the Urban Renewal program one community at a time is reducing the threat of violence among our teens. 

Body Paragraph 4

This dynamic social outreach program also encourages adults to step up and become leaders in their community.  The inner city is in need of role models; people who are ready to make a difference despite the challenges.  We need more people to take a stand and decide that this is my country and I will help change it for the better.  The Urban Renewal is just the beginning.


Come on and do your part to make this a better Bahamas.  Let us join hands with Urban Renewal to fight crime, to develop more responsible young people and create more role models. Come and be apart of the change.

What We Do


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